Hi people!
Today I’m not really feeling like writing this in 3 or 4 languages, so I’ll write it only in English… I hope you all are able to understand it.
Big news:
Some of you already know it… some others had no idea until today: the Araño Brothers (that means my brother and I) will be traveling through Europe.
We’ll quit our jobs by the end of April and we’ll be in Europe by the 2nd week of May. We’ll be there for 4 months!
Yes, quitting our jobs sounds a little bit drastic, but that’s the only way to have some time to travel.
In the 3rd world things are kind of different:
Year: Free days
2010: 0
2011: 6
2012: 8
2013: 10
2014: 12
2015 to 2020: 14
2021 to 2025: 16
2026 to 2030: 18
Yes. It SUCKS. Now that you know it please don’t complain if you have “only” 3 free weeks a year ;)
The backpacks are ready, we decided we’ll buy all the items we need at Decathlon in Spain (cheaper, nicer than those we can find in Mexico) and we have an open ticket, so we can take the plane at any date we want… the only problem will be the seat availability.
We have a travel plan, but we are still needing to work on it: adding some cities, deleting some others… but I don’t know, I think at the end the travel will be completely different. This is how the plan looks right now:
Travel Plan on Google Maps
Our flight goes from Mexico City to Madrid, then the path is:
Madrid – Lisboa/Cascais/Sintra – Barcelona – Toulouse? - Carcasonne – Firenze – Roma – Venezia – Salzburg - Wien – Bratislava – Budapest – Zagreb – Ljiubljana
Then there’s a mistake: my brother trusts Google when it says it’s easier to go from Ljubljana to Athens crossing Italy.
I don’t trust Google maps and I would like to go across the Balkans and take a look to:
Dubrovnik – Sarajevo – Belgrade – Skopje - Meteora - Athens
A Turkish friend told us it is possible to go from Athens to Izmir. From there we would visit:
Izmir - Antalya – Ankara – Istanbul
And here, this gets confusing… Since we need visas and they are not easy to get, we are not going to Ukaine and Russia (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It’s not fair!!! Now Mexicans are unwanted everywhere!!!). So maybe:
Sofia – Bucharest? – Kosice? – Kraków – Warzawa – Lodz? – Toruñ? – Poznañ? – Szczecin? –Berlin - Prague – München – Vaduz? – Zurich – Berne – Bruxelles – Bruge – London – Stonehenge -Edinburgh – Inverness - Amsterdam
I need to convince my freakin’ brother to visit these places in Poland since he’s mainly interested in Turkey and England/United Kingdom/Whatever.
This travel plan is just a “draft”… I’m sure it will completely change… principally because several people among you would kill me:
I need to find a way to include many places such as Belfast, Stuttgart… and, for sure, PARTHENAY!!!!
I would go there by myself, but the problem is we can stay in the European Union as tourists only for a 90 days period.
We are still needing to get the Turkish visa, buy pills for the medical travel kit and decide if we will travel by train, bus or hitchhiking.
I hope the day count is reset when we go to Turkey or somewhere else outside the European Union!
So… any suggestions?
Maybe somebody could help us to get a long stay European visa? ;)
We will keep you updated on this.
See you really soon!! :)