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viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

The Starbucks experience

The Spider found this in a posh neighborhood on his way to the office this morning.

Come and live the Starbucks experience

Sorry, is blurry. He had to take the picture quickly, he was riding his bicycle and had only a few seconds to do it before the light changed.

Anyway, what in the hell is "The Starbucks experience"?
Is that sensation of power that you feel when you pay $60 pesos for a regular coffee which real cost is orund 1/3 of what you are paying for?
Is the right to upload a picture of your cup with your name written on it to Facebook or Instagram?

Please, explain it to the Spider because he's not getting it at all...

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013


The Spider and his brother where in Croatia, specifically in Zagreb (on their passports they have 6 Croatian stamps but they only visited one city... yeah, such a stupid thing).

One of the first things they used to do after arriving to a new city was going to the nearest tourism office (usually there's one inside each one of the main transportation hubs) to ask for a map, so it was easier to get orientated (or to get lost...).

Yeah, I know, it was only 2 years ago, but smartphones weren't that common at that time. Anyway, among the things that seemed to be important in the map, there were some places marked as "Trg".
After visiting a couple of them, the Spider realized it was probably the word for "square".

Trg. Marsala Tita - Marshal Tito's square

Sometimes the Spider suffers of The Little Price's Syndrome: he doesn't like to have a question/doubt unsolved. So, when they went back to their hosts' place he asked them:

- What is this? Trg
- Oh, That's a square
- Mmmhhh... yup, that's what I was thinking... but what's the whole word?
- No, that's the actual word: trg
- You must be kidding... this looks more like an abbreviation
- No, I swear, that's the actual word
- And how do you pronounce it?
- As it is written: trg

Something is clear now: definitely Slavic languages are not among the first places in the ease of pronunciation ranking. Also, my suspicion is confirmed, in that part of the world people are afraid of vowels :P

Irena and Petar, our hosts